Manuscripts should neither be submitted to other periodicals at the same time nor be published previously.
Manuscripts may be sent either in Polish or English.
The structure of the journal includes the following sections:
Review articles,
Areas of science.
The author submits the text in format appropriate for the section of their choice. The Editorial Board require:
authors to submit publication originality statement,
authors to clearly specify the authors' contributions (ghostwriting prevention),
authors to submit conflict of interest statement.
The Editorial Board approves all proposals of articles that are consistent with the journal profile.
The article (with the abstract, computer-generated figures and tables, and the table of contents) should not exceed 10–15 pages in the A4 format (up to 5,000 words if the article consists of the text only). Reviews should not normally exceed five pages.
Materials for publication should be submitted in .doc or .rtf files via the Academic Journal Platform.
The Editors accept texts on two dates: March 31 and October 31 of each calendar year.
Texts sent to the TSB are reviewed in accordance with the rules in force in scientific journals (see Reviews).
Articles accepted for print can be subject to editorial revision and reformat, etc.
Editors do not pay gratification for articles.
Publishing in the TSB is voluntary and is associated with text made freely available in hard copy and consent to the publication of the article file on the website of the journal.
Editors reserve that all detected cases of scientific misconduct (ghostwriting and guest authorship) will be unmasked, including notification of relevant institutions (scientific societies, editors of scientific associations, etc.).
The articles are accepted for consideration on the understanding that they are not being submitted elsewhere and do not fulfill the requirements of ghostwriting.
The Editorial Guidelines for the authors are included in a separate PDF file and in the file presenting the requirements for the internal structure of the article.